Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Magical Tooth Paste Dispenser

Don't you just hate squeezing the toothpaste tube from the top and someone else bulges everything back up, so you have to squeeze everything down again?

I recently purchased this uber cool toothpaste dispenser from Metrodeal and it squeezes just the right amount of toothpaste for each brush.

Originally it costs php 750 but I got it for php 169. Not bad right? coz I really needed this tooth paste dispenser right? right? RIGHT? hahahaha  That's the thing with these voucher discount sale sites. They allure you to buy things you THINK you need at a PRICE you think is lower haha but seriously I've been able to purchase vouchers for activities that were worth it.

So let me show you my new, orderly, automatic toothpaste dispenser.

My son calls it the special delivery toothpaste 

Pearl Panda does have good and fast service

This is how it is supposed to look




We both put them on crooked but anyway it has made tooth brushing much more convenient. I love purchasing almost useless things.