Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cafe Lupe Bed & Breakfast

Someone is getting good at surprises....

Last May 6th I turned 27 wooohooo. And since I didn't have to work on cinco de mayo someone came up with a surprise staycation for my birthday.

Antipolo is known for many things; overlooking restaurants, churches, pools and...... B&Bs.

I really can't give much details about the place because everything was prepared by him but I can share our experience.

We arrived at around 3pm. This place is literally like 10 minutes away from our house.

                                                                       the hotel building

 the dining area

The whole complex has many accommodations from spas to karaoke bars all in separate buildings.

 The lobby

 outside lounge 

Mr. Surprise obviously planned this "ahead of time" and this was the only room available with two single beds lol.
 This is the usual setup of the room he got

 and for special request.... haha

I actually enjoyed just relaxing and watching TV while he was working

I've always wanted this kind of shower

a few shots before leaving

Cafe Lupe at night

I thought the wide screen viewing in the middle was superb 

Since he had to work that night on his lappy we bought dinner and stayed in our room. And my birthday isn't complete without pizza. It's a must!
We had breakfast at cafe Lupe's restaurant on the balcony 

Over looking view of Antipolo

with a perfect cup of coffee

Andio and I go to so many places each weekend but we've never stayed somewhere over night and I wanted so badly to stay out of town for my birthday but due to work we couldn't schedule that. The staycation surprise though was perfect! Simple and solemn. Effort is the best gift you can give and you got an A+ this time (knowing you planned everything just 1 day before). I couldn't have asked for more. Much love for you.

1 comment:

  1. I should visit Antipolo Rizal one of these days! Haha~ love the photos here too!
